Being a teacher in Prague

Život v IJV

Being an English Teacher can be hard work. But it is worth it if you consider the benefits of students learning and thanking you after productive lessons. Teaching students from a variety of backgrounds helps to solidify your methodology and has since helped me become a better teacher everyday. I work diligently trying to produce effective meaningful lessons which specifically help each student’s life.



As for teaching in Prague; I think this city has many important things that make it a good city to teach in. One is being a city with many people choosing good schools and two is having many energetic students willing to come to one central location to learn English effectively.

My typical day consists of meeting students daily and consistently evaluating their special needs to assist them in the flow of comprehendible and fluent communication for everyday use. I usually have small and large classes in which students have the chance to communicate with me and each other under my guidance and from which I have assisted them numerable times each day to help them better understand English’s complicated rules.

My teaching has changed in many ways with my experience over time. Not only learning cultural topics and relating them to classroom presentations, but learning student’s histories and using them to help provide advice in general everyday discussions.

Institut jazykového vzdělávání has provided me with the tools, environment, and support needed to become an effective English teacher. With every new inquiry and problem, they work hard to assist either me or the student in each situation well. The effective library to use, the computers to help facilitate lessons with modern media and technology, and the general help using said technologies, all help me teach well and to the best of my abilities.

My Post Secondary classes, which I taught the past 2009/2010 school year, have been the most interesting and exciting classes I have taught. The age of the students and the realism of the classroom environment to that of everyday University classes has been more than a pleasure to teach.

I feel I had a special relationship with all of my students and I worked hard to provide them with English communication lessons effectively and also provide them with general fun and realistic advice for their advancing futures after classes. Spending 10 months with them also has provided me with friendships and memories which will last longer than the lessons/school year did.

Providing insights to other cultures, including my own, learning much about their histories and interests, and facilitating proper communication skills has been my yearlong experience. In the end, assistance with English examinations, and advice for Universities or life choices was my goal before departing for summer holiday. I feel they all left satisfied with more confidence than when that started. I will forever enjoy the feeling of helping people.



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